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Patient and Citizen Panels

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Patient and Citizen Panels in three countries

A key element of this project is the involvement of members of society into the research on innovative treatments of arthritis. We will set up a two-way dialogue at eye level between patients / citizens and leading European scientists in three European countries (Germany, Switzerland, Ireland). In the so-called patient and citizen panels (about 3 to 4 days) participants are first introduced to the field of innovative research on arthritis through expert presentations and a hearing with experts selected by the participants. In a second step, participants negotiate about this input and then compile patient-/ citizen-reports supported by independent facilitators. Therefore, the main objective of this work package is to discuss the chances, risks and ethical aspects of innovative arthritis treatments with lay people and to develop communication strategies to provide clinics, interested companies as well as the media and a broader public with balanced, professionally developed and scientifically sound information.

Two main questions will be answered by the dialogue measures:
  1. What do lay people (patients / citizens) want to know about GAMBA? What are their associations with GAMBA? What specific topics are they interested in from their special point of view as concerned patients / interested citizens?
  2. What are lay people’s recommendations to the scientific world, to regulators, industry and media regarding the chances, risks, ethical/social aspects of GAMBA?
The about 20 participants for the first CITIZEN PANEL in Munich/Germany (planned for september/october 2011) will be chosen by random selection around the site of the Klinikum Rechts der Isar in Munich. People interested in participating in the German PATIENT PANEL (planned for may 2011) can apply for participation by filling in a questionnaire (soon to be found here). The dialogue team will then select 16 members; selection criteria are sex (more women than men suffer from osteoarthritis), age (more elderly than younger people), educational background, profession and state of illness (from first signs to joint replacement) among others.

All other interested patients will be informed through e-mail-newsletters and a one evening discussion forum after the panels. If you are interested in participating in the German patient panel, please send an e-mail to Sven Siebert at  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call (in Germany) 089/5454 9796. As soon as the questionnaire is available, we will send it to you by e-mail or, if you don`t have an e-mail-adress, by regular mail.

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